Oath Taking Ceremony
St. Jerome Parish Church
Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) Awardee 2022

Municipal Administrator Office

Municipal Administrator Office


Office of the Municipal Administrator
2nd Floor New Municipal Building, San Pedro, Morong, Rizal

The Office of the Municipal Administrator takes charge in the development of plans and strategies as well as implementation upon the approval of the Municipal Mayor particularly in establishing and maintaining a sound personnel program, advancing a continuing organizational development with the end view of instituting effective administrative reform. In addition to the foregoing functions and duties, the Municipal Administrator is also in the frontline of giving assistance and in coordinating with all the officials of the Local Government Unit under the supervision of the Municipal Mayor particularly those related to the situations during and in the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities.

Also, the Municipal Administrator recommends and advices the Municipal Mayor with regards to any recommendations to the Sanggunian as the case may be, on all other matters relative to the management and administration of the local government unit. This is in line with the present and administration’s goal to extend Effective Public Service, wherein the general welfare of the constituents is the primordial consideration. Lastly, he performs such other functions and duties mandated by RA 7160 otherwise known as Local Government Code, other related laws, ordinances, memorandum and circulars.


Municipal Administrator

Philippine Standard Time
25th March 2025 Tuesday