Oath Taking Ceremony
St. Jerome Parish Church
Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) Awardee 2022

Ordinances and Resolution


Municipal Ordinance No. 1, S. 2017
An Ordinance Regulating the Parking Hours at T. Claudio Street from Sagbat Intersection, Barangay Maybancal Up to the Public Market, Barangay San Pedro, Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Nemesio D.J. Felix)

Municipal Ordinance No. 2, S. 2017
An Ordinance Reclassifying from Agricultural to Commercial, Lot Numbers 1333-A and 1333-B with Land Area of 1,886 sqm. Located at Tomas Claudio Street, Barangay San Pedro, Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Nicanor T. Balajadia)

Municipal Ordinance No. 3, S. 2017
An Ordinance Enacting the 2017 Children’s Code of Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Rene O. Alejan)

Municipal Ordinance No.4, S. 2017
An Ordinance Reclassifying from Agricultural to Commercial, a Parcel of Land, More or Less 2,986 sqm. Under Tax Declaration No. 15-M-001-02270 Located at Tomas Claudio Street, Barangay San Pedro, Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Dennis B. Sta. Catalina)

Municipal Ordinance No. 6, S. 2017
Integrated Zoning Ordinance of the Municipality of Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Dennis B. Sta. Catalina)

Municipal Ordinance No. 7, S. 2017
An Ordinance Establishing a Proper Sewage Treatment and Septage Management System in Morong, Rizal and Prescribing Penalties for Violation Thereof
(Sponsor: Councilor Joeven G. Condez)

Municipal Ordinance No. 8, S. 2017
An Ordinance Reclassifying from Agricultural to Commercial, a Parcel of Land, More or Less 2,096 sqm. Under Tax Declaration No. 15-M-001-02308 Located at Tomas Claudio Street, Barangay San Pedro, Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor dennis B. Sta. Catalina)

Municipal Ordinance No. 10, S. 2017
An Ordinance Creating Six (6) Teacher I Positions for Talaga Elementary School and Morong National High School-Talaga Annex for School Year 2017-2018
(Sponsor: Councilor Nicanor T. Balajadia)

Municipal Ordinance No. 11, S. 2017
An Ordinance Reclassifying from Agricultural to Residential/Commercial, Parcels of Land, Measuring 3,396 sqm. Under Cad. Lot No. 2399; 2,701 sqm. Under Cad. Lot No. 2092 at Bambu Phase 1A Extension; 7,200 sqm. under Cad. Lot No. 2101 and 6,845 sqm. under Cad Lot No. 1855 at Phases 2 and 2A, All Located at Manila East Lakeview Farms, Barangay San Guillermo, Morong, Rizal

Municipal Ordinance No. 12, S. 2017
An Ordinance Reclassifying from Agricultural to Residential/Commercial, Parcel of Land, Measuring 1,495 sqm. Under Cad. Lot No. 2085 Located at Manila East Lakeview Farms, Barangay San Guillermo, Morong, Rizal

Municipal Ordinance No. 1, s. 2016
An Ordinance Naming the Stage at Morong Town Town Plaza as Tanghalang
Francisco F. Feliciano
(Sponsor: Councilor Randall Harold S.J. Pascual)

Municipal Ordinance No. 1, S. 2015
An Ordinance Assigning LIKAS Morong, Inc. as the Steward and Administrator of the Museong Pambayan ng Morong
(Proponents: Councilor Dennis B. Sta. Catalina and
Councilor Randall Harold S.J. Pascual)

Municipal Ordinance No. 1, S. 2014
An Ordinance Centralizing the Issuance of an Online Viewable and Veifiable Community ID/Police Clearance Card for the Residents of the municipality of morong, Province of Rizal, Creating a Centralized Data Base for the Purpose
(Sponsor: Councilor Leonardo S.J. Manzana)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 2, S. 2014
Kautusang Nagtatakda ng mga Alituntunin Ukol sa Pagpapatala ng mga Sasakyang Pangisda o Bangkang Pangisda at Lahat ng Uri ng Sasakyang Pantubig sa Morong, Rizal

Municipal Ordinance No.3, S. 2014
An Ordinance Declaring a Five-Year Moratorium on the Use of of the Old Municipal Cemetery of Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Ira Dean B. Reyes)

Municipal Ordinance No.4, S. 2014
An Ordinance Amending Sections 1,2,3 and 4 of Municipal Ordinance No.8-88 Re The Operation of Motor Tricycles Within the Municipality of Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Cesar J. Javier Jr.)

Municipal Ordinance No.5, S. 2014
An Ordinance Imposing Garbage Collection Fee at the Municipality of Morong, Rizal

Municipal Ordinance No. 1, S. 2013
An Ordinance Requiring all Service Food Industries at the Municipality of Morong, Rizal to Include Half-Rice Serving in their Menu
(Sponsor: Councilor Ira Dean B. Reyes)

Municipal Ordinance No.3, s. 2013
An Ordinance Regulating the Cutting, Preservation and Plating of Trees at the Municipality of Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor; Councilor Karl Kim P. Guiyangco)

Municipal Ordinance no. 1, S. 2012
An Ordinance Reclassifying from Agricultural to Residential/Commercial Certain Parcels of Land Having an Estimated Area of 210.9 Hectares in Barangay San Guillermo, Morong, Rizal

Municipal Ordinance No.2, s. 2012
An Ordinance Authorizing Honorable Mayor Joseph T. Buenaventura to File Expropriation Proceedings to Take Portion of Lot No. 5040-C Owned by Orencio Termulo in Barangay Lagundi, Morong, Rizal for the Provision of a Right of Way for Public Use
(Sponsor: Councilor Ira Dean B. Reyes)

Municipal Ordinance No. 3, S. 2012
An Ordinance Abolishing the Positions of Security Officer I, Security Agent II, Assessment Clerk I and Administrative Aide IV at the Office of the Municipal Mayor
(Sponsor: Councilor Ira Dean B. Reyes)

Municipal Ordinance No.4, s. 2012
An Ordinance Creating the Positions of Government Department Head I (Human Resource Management Officer)-Salary Grade 24 and Four (4) Administrative Aides I
(Sponsor: Councilor Ira Dean B. Reyes)

Municipal Ordinance No.5, S. 2012
An Ordinance Regulating the Lease, Sale and Use of the New Public Cemetery and memorial Park of Morong, Rizal and Prescribing Fees Thereof
(Sponsor: Councilor Ira Dean B. Reyes)

Municipal Ordinance No.1, S. 2011
An Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of Non- Biodegradable Plastic Bags on Dry Goods and Regulating its Utilization on Wet Goods and Prohibiting the Use of Styrofoam in the Municipality of Morong, Rizal and Prescribing Penalties Thereof
(Sponsor: Councilor Karl Kim P. Guiyangco)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 2, S. 2011
Kautusang Nagbabawal sa Paninigarilyo sa mga Pampublikong Lugar/Sasakyan at Nagtatakda ng Parusa Kaugnay sa Paglabag Dito

Municipal Ordinance No. 1, S. 2010
An Ordinance Naming a Certain Street in Barangay Bombongan in Honor of the Late Councilor Emiliano Ape
(Sponsor: Councilor Ira Dean B. Reyes)

Municipal Ordinance No.5, S. 2009
An Ordinance Creating the Position of Human Resource Management Officer with a Salary Grade
Of 24, and Appropriating the Corresponding Budget Thereof
(Sponsor: Councilor Bryan B. Aquino)

Municipal Ordinance No.2, S. 2008
An Ordinance Authorizing Honorable Mayor Joseph T. Buenaventura to Sell Parcels of Land Owned by the Local Government Unit of Morong, Rizal with Lot Numbers 3333 and 3335 at Sitio Talaga, Maybancal, Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Alan B. Garrovillas)

Municipal Ordinance No.3-A, S. 2008
An Ordinance Creating the Position of Supervising Environmental Management Specialist with a Salary Grade of 22
(Sponsor: Councilor Bryan B. Aquino)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 5, S. 2008
Isang Ordinansang Nagpapatibay ng Programang Ecological Solid Waste Management sa bayan ng Morong at Naglalaan ng Multa at Parusa sa Paglabag sa Anumang Probisyon Nito sa Pamamagitan ng Paggamit ng Citation Tickets
(Sponsor: Councilor Edgardo de Rosas)

Municipal Ordinance No.1, S. 2007
An Ordinance Regulating the Use of the Ynares Arcade in Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Nicanor T. Balajadia)

Municipal Ordinance No. 1, S. 2006
An Ordinance Creating a Separate Department to Manage the Human Resources of the LGU of Morong, Rizal, and to be Headed by an Officer with a Salary Grade of 24
(Sponsor: Councilor Nicanor T. Balajadia)

Kautusan Blg. 2, S. 2006
Kautusang Nagtatakda ng Pagtaas ng Pasahe sa Traysikel sa Bayan ng Morong, Rizal
(May-Akda: Konsehal Bryan B. Aquino)

Municipal Ordinance No. 2, S. 2006
An Ordinance Establishing a Migration Information Center (MIC) in the Municipality of Morong, Rizal and Requiring all New Migrants to Register with the Said Center and Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof
(Sponsor: ABC Pres. Ricardo G. Sto. Domingo)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg.1, S. 2005
Mga Karagdagang Patakaran sa Operasyon ng mga Junkshop sa Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: ABC Pres. Ricardo G. Sto. Domingo)

Municipal Ordinance No.2, S. 2005
An Ordinance Requiring all Operators and Owners of Bar/Beer Houses, Day/Night Pub Houses, Sing Along, or Karaoke/Videoke Bars within the Municipality of Morong to Require Their Employees/ Workers to Submit to a Medical Check-up Prior to Issuance of Health nd Working Permit and a Monthly Check-up Thereafter and Providing Penalties Thereof
(Sponsor: Councilor Nicanor T. Balajadia)

Municipal Ordinance No.3, S. 2005
An Ordinance Increasing the Annual Payment for Sticker of Passenger Jeepneys Utilizing Any of the Designated Terminals in Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Bryan B. Aquino)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg.5, S. 2005
Kautusang Nagtatakda ng mga Alituntunin Para sa Paghahatid ng Labi ng Yumao Mula sa Tahanan/Simbahan Hanggang sa Huling Hantungan Nito
(May-Akda: Konsehal Lamberto T. de Leon)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 6, S.2005
Kautusang Nagtatakda ng “Number Coding” sa mga Traysikel na Namamasada sa Bayan ng Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor: Bryan B. Aquino)

Pambayang Kautusan Blg. 8, S. 2005
Kautusang Nagbabawal sa Pagdidikit ng Anumang Uri ng Patalastas (Posters and Advertisements) sa mga Poste at Iba’t Ibang Pag-aaring Pampubliko ng Bayan ng Morong, Rizal
(May-Akda: SK President Dickson A. San Juan)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg.4, S. 2004
Kautusang Nagtatakda ng Pagtaas ng Pasahe sa Traysikel sa Bayan ng Morong, Rizal
(May-Akda: Konsehal Mario Claudio O. Soriano)

Municipal Ordinance No.4, S. 2004
An Ordinance Amending Municipal Ordinance No.11, S. 1996
(Sponsor: Councilor Mario N. San Juan)

Municipal Ordinance No.5, S. 2004
An Ordinance Declaring the Stretch of T. Claudio Street from the Corner of Capinpin Street, Namay, Barangay San Juan to ALDEC, Barangay San Pedro, Morong, Rizal as a “No Parking Area from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 pm.
(Sponsor: Councilor Bryan B. Aquino)

Municipal Ordinance No. 1, S. 2003
An Ordinance Prohibiting Minors from Staying in the streets or Any Other Area Outside the Immediate Vicinity of their Residence from 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. of the Following Day
(Sponsor: ABC President Ricardo G. Sto. Domingo)

Municipal Ordinance No. 2, S. 2003
An Ordinance Renaming Municipal Streets Originally Known as Canlibot and Dimasalang Streets in Sitio Caniogan, Barangay Caniogan-Calero-Lanang, Morong, Rizal as Francisco De Jesus Gutierrez Street
(Sponsor: Councilor Odencio T. Gutierrez)

Municpal Ordinance No. 3, S. 2003
An Ordinance Creating a Philhealth Capitation Fund (PCF) from the Proceeds of the Outpatient Consultation and Diagnostic Benefit Package to be Provided by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (Philhealth) for Qualified Indigent Families of Morong, Rizal Under the Indigent Sector Component of the National Health Insurance Program
(Sponsor: Councilor Odencio T. Gutierrez)

Municipal Ordinance No. 4, S. 2003
An Ordinance Authorizing the Use of the Newly Constructed Concrete Pavement at the Morong Public Market for Various Purposes
(Sponsor: Councilor Lucas C. Mendoza)

Municipal Ordinance No. 1, S. 2002
An Ordinance Regulating the Playing Hours of Computer /Video Games Installed at Public Area at Morong, Rizal

Municipal Ordinance No. 2, s. 2002
An Ordinance Banning the Installation of Basketball Boards, Placement of Gaming Tables or Nets on Public Roads and Use of Public Roads as Playing Field for Any Kind of Games
(Sponsor: SK Chairman Joy R. Cabago)

Municipal Ordinance No. 3, s. 2002
An Ordinance Requiring the Registration of all Agro-Industrial Machineries in the Municipality of Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Lamberto de Leon)

Municipal Ordinance No. 4, S. 2002
An Ordinance Requiring all Transient Inhabitants at the Municipality of Morong, Rizal to Register at the Office of the Mayor

Municipal Ordinance No. 5, S. 2002
An Ordinance Regulating the Numbering of Residential, Commercial and Other Buildings at Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: ABC President Ricardo S.J. Halina)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 1, s. 2001
Kautusang Nag-aamyenda sa Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 1-89 na may Pamagat na Kautsuang Nag-aatas sa Lahat ng Nagtitinda ng Lahat ng Uri ng Pagkain na Kumuha ng Health and Sanitation Permits
(May-Akda: Konsehal Odencio T. Gutierrez)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 2, S. 2001
Kautusang Naggagawad ng Insentibo sa Mapipiling Barangay na Nagpapatupad ng Makabuluhang Proyekto Laban sa Ipinagbabawal na Gamot
(May-Akda: Konsehal Rodel M. Delos Santos)

Municipal Ordinance No. 2, S. 2001
An Ordinance Regulating the Operation of Billiard and Pool Hall in the Town of Morong, Province of Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Joy R. Cabago)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 3, s. 2001
Kautusang Nagbabawal sa Pagpusta sa Anumang Larong Pampalakasan sa Bayan ng Morong, Lalawigan ng Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Joy R. Cabago)

Municipal Ordinance No. 4, S. 2001
An Ordinance Amending Municipal Ordinance No. 90-02 Re: Parking, Parking Fees, Loading Stations, and Corresponding Fees for Traffic Violators

Municipal Ordinance No. 5, S. 2001
An Ordinance Requiring all High School and College Students at Morong, Rizal to Plant a Tree Prior to their Graduation
(Sponsor: Councilor Mario Claudio O. Soriano)

Municipal Ordinance No.6, S. 2001
An Ordinance Regulating the Establishment and Operation of Certain Business Structures within Tomas Claudio Street, from TCMES to MOWAD
(Sponsor: Councilor Mario Claudio O. Soriano)

Municipal Ordinance No. 9, S. 1998
An Ordinance Imposing Fees for Stickers and Plates for the Proposed Municipal Business Permits
(Sponsor: Councilor Odencio T. Gutierrez)

Pambayang Kautusan Blg. 1, s. 1997
Pambayang Kautusang Nagtatakda ng Pasahe sa Traysikel sa Bayan ng Morong, Rizal
(May-Akda: Konsehal Mario N. San Juan)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 2, S. 1997
Kautusang May Kinalaman sa Kaayusan at mga Tuntunin sa Pangingisda sa Lawa ng Laguna na Sakop ng Bayan ng Morong, Lalawigan ng Rizal at Karampatang Multa at Parusang Pagkabilanggo
(May-Akda: Konsehal Teofilo G. Gomez)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 3, s. 1997
Kautusang Nagbabawal ng Pagputol sa Anumang Punongkahoy na Itinanim ng Pamahalaang Bayan sa Nasasakupan ng Bayan ng Morong, Lalawigan ng Rizal at Pagtatalaga ng Karampatang Kaparusahan
(May-Akda: Konsehal Teofilo G. Gomez)

Municipal Ordinance No. 4, S. 1996
Reclassifying the Entire Mabilog Area in the Municipality of Morong, Rizal from Mixed Orchard to Residential and Commercial and/or Tourism Purposes
(Sponsor: Councilor Teofilo Gomez)

Municipal Ordinance No. 6, S. 1996
An Ordinance Amending Municipal Ordinance No. 90-01 by Changing the Penalty from
P200.00 and/or Two (2) Days Imprisonment to P500.00 and/or Five (5) Day Imprisonment
(Sponsor: Councilor Teofilo Gomez)

Municipal Ordinance No.8, S. 1996
An Ordinance Amending the Rentals for Fixed Stalls/Booths/Tiendas per Square Meter or Fraction Thereof at the Morong Public Market
(Sponsor: Councilor Alberto B. Ramos)

Municipal Ordinance No. 9, S. 1996
An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor to File Expropriation Proceedings in Court to Take Lot No. 5635 Owned by Maximo Alegre for the Expansion of the Municipal Public Cemetery
(Sponsor: Councilor Ignacio F. Trinidad)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 16, S. 1996
Kautusang May Kinalaman sa Pagbabawal sa Sinumang Tao na Magdaan, Pumasok, Umistambay at Gumala-gala sa Lupain na Nasasakupan o Pag-aari ng Palengke ng Bayan ng Morong, Lalawigan ng Rizal Mula Ika-10:00 ng Gabi Hanggang Ika-4:00 ng Umaga
(May-Akda: Konsehal Alberto B. Ramos)

Municipal Ordinance No. 1, S. 1996
An Ordinance on the Impounding of Stray Dogs
(Sponsor: Councilor Ireneo C. Santiago)

Municipal Ordinance No. 7, S. 1995
An Ordinance Imposing Fees for the Use of Municipal Gymnasium of Morong, Rizal and Establishing Rules and Regulations
(Sponsor: Councilor Joseph T. Buenaventura)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 21, S. 1994
Susog sa Ordinansa Blg. 21, S. 1962
Kautusang Nagtatakda ng Kaukulang Multa at Parusa Batay sa Pagpapagala ng Itik sa Palayan Matapos Magapas ang Palay

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 90-01
Kautusang Nagbabawal ng Anumang Gawain na Nakasisira o Makapagpapaguho ng Lupa sa Pampang ng Ilog o Sapa na Sakop ng Bayan ng Morong, Lalawigan ng Rizal at Pagtatalaga ng Karampatang Kaparusahan
(May-Akda: Konsehal Amador F. Robles)

Kautusang Pambayan Blg. 90-03
Kautusang Nagbabawal ng Pag-inom ng Anumang Inuming Nakalalasing sa mga Hayag na Luagr o Pook sa Bayan ng Morong, Rizal, Lalawigan ng Rizal
(May-Akda: Konsehal Amador F. Robles)

Municipal Ordinance No. 90-05
An Ordinance Amending Municipal Ordinance No.1-87, Relative to Bamboo Soots (Labong)
(May-Akda: Konsehal Andres S. Alejandro)

Municipal Ordinance No. 3-89
An Ordinance Amending Specific Provisions and Sections of the 1983 Municipal Tax Code of Morong, Rizal
(Sponsor: Councilor Andres S. Alejandro)

Municipal Ordinance No. 3-88
An Ordinance Changing the Name of Dona Juana Street to Felix San Miguel Street at Sitio Butig, Barangay Bombongan
(Sponsor: Councilor Amador F. Robles)

Municipal Ordinance No.4-88
An Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of Sidewalks Along T. Claudio Street by Vendors in Selling Commodities and placing Obstruction on Said Areas and any Other Similar Hindrances
(Sponsor: Councilor Felixberta F. Soriano)

Municipal Ordinance No.5-88
An Ordinance Declaring the Withdrawal of Part of the Following Street from Its Original Purpose to be Used as parking and Loading Station of the Different Jeepney Associations and Requiring Parking Fees of One Peso (P1.00) a Day for Every Public Utility Jeep that Actually Rendered Services
(Sponsor: Councilor Andres S. Alejandro)

Municipal Ordinance No.6-88
An Ordinance Changing the Name of Turentigue Street to Alcalde Ricardo De Ungria Street at Barangay San Jose
(Sponsor: Councilor Andres S. Alejandro)

Municipal Ordinance No. 7-88
An Ordinance Changing the Name of Felix San Miguel Street to Konsehal Pedro Francisco Street at Sitio Hulo, Barangay San Pedro
(May-Akda: Konsehal Amador F. Robles)

Municipal Ordinance No.8-88
An Ordinance Regulating the Operation of Motor Tricycles Within the Municipality of Morong, Rizal and the Corresponding Penalties for Violation Thereof
(Sponsor: Councilor Melanio B. San Luis)

Municipal Ordinance No.9-88
An Ordinance Naming the Unclassified Road from Sitio Agas-as, Barangay San Guillermo to the Bombongan-San Guillermo Bridge, to Ignacio T. De Jesus Street
(Sponsor: Councilor Elmer M.Tambongco)

Municipal Ordinance No.10-88
An Ordinance Renaming the main Road in Barangay San Guillermo from Sitio Agas-as to Istasyon, to Col. Roberto B. Mata Street
(Sponsor: Councilor Elmer M. Tambongco)

Municipal Ordinance No.11-88
An Ordinance Prohibiting Any Ballerina or Taxi Dancer to Perform their Occupation or Calling Without Clearance from Health and Sanitary Authorities
(Sponsor: Councilor Felixberta F. Soriano)

Philippine Standard Time
25th March 2025 Tuesday