Oath Taking Ceremony
St. Jerome Parish Church
Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) Awardee 2022

Sanrok sa Ringring Festival

Sanrok sa Ringring Festival
Sanrok sa Ringring Festival

Morong folks use the Tagalog dialect with a singsong accent that is very contagious. Words, phrases, terms, and expressions that are not in the Tagalog dictionary have been embedded for many years in the eccentric vocabulary of the Moronguenos. Morong’s barrio folks have their version of the town’s vocabulary. This macroculture of everyday conversation also is different from nearby towns. The most common observation is in the use of the letter “R.” Words that carry the letter “D” are substituted with letter “R”, as in ringring (wall) for dingding, sanrok (ladle) for sandok, and so on.

Philippine Standard Time
25th March 2025 Tuesday